Imagine drawing a beautiful image on paper. It has lots of
small lines, some that are pretty close together, and it looks great!
Now, just to practice- you want to draw the same image again. And you want to
draw it exactly the same way that you did before. You erase the pencil lines
with a rubber eraser and then draw the same lines over the ones that you drew
before. It was probably pretty easy to tell where the lines were before, but
you may not have placed the same lines in the same exact place. But that’s ok,
because it still looks pretty good.
Once you’re done with, you stash it away and over time it fades. When you decide to refresh it, you ask your mate to do the same process because you’ve seen their art and it looks really good! Problem is, when your friend does it, they can’t tell where some of the lines go and so they draw ones that look like yours, but not the same. Now it doesn’t look as clean and crisp like it used to.
This is the same thing can happen when you get microblading. The hair strokes will fade. And once that happens, it’s difficult to put them back in the same place. In the case of having oily skin, this effect will be faster and the pigment in the lines will start to blur. The results are blurry hair strokes- nothing like they looked like when you got them done for the first time.
Microblading is a no no for anyone with oily skin, but even if you don’t have oily skin, speak to your artist about how microblading will look like in a few years time. There is a better option.
The alternative to microblading is getting a powder or ombre brow. With this style of brow, you won’t have tiny lines that blur, but rather little dots that are meant to blur. The result looks like a light brow powder. These techniques can cover old microblading once it’s gotten too far to be able to fix it. Powder & ombre style brows add shape, give definition and can fill in gaps... basically ding everything that microblading can do. But unlike microblading, powder & ombre brows are suitable for all skin types and skin tones! Oh yeah, they last a bit longer too!
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