Eyebrow Aftercare

Eyebrow Aftercare

Day ONE (the day of treatment):
Gently wipe the area every hour using a cotton pad with water. Apply a very thin layer of cream provided with a cotton swab. 

Your brows will look dark and the skin underneath may be red. There may be some swelling (and may even look uneven). This is normal. Some of the excess pigment may show on the cotton when cleaning. Don't worry, you won't wipe it off!

Day TWO: 
Continue to wipe the pigmented area using damp cotton wool pad if there’s a crust in the morning. You may gently wash with an unscented soap (but not under the shower). Gently pat dry with clean towel or tissue or air dry. Do not rub. Continue to use the cream (thinly) if your brows feel dry.

The brow will start to look darker. They may look flaky or even crusty. This is because the area is scabbing. DO NOT pick at the scabs. DO NOT rub or scratch at it. The scabs must fall off naturally, otherwise the pigment will come out with it and you risk scarring.

Your brows may still be tender, red, dry, or even itch. These symptoms may last for a few more days. This is normal.
For the next 2 weeks:
  • DO NOT use harsh soaps, facial cleansers. Baby soap works well.
  • Make sure you wash your hair with your head tilted backwards to stop water running down you face. If the area does get wet, pat dry very gently with a clean towel or tissue. Do not wipe or rub with a towel. 
  • DO NOT do exercises, gym, yoga or any activities that make you sweat. Even if it’s just a little bit or “even if you don’t sweat”.
  • DO NOT use makeup on pigmented area for 5 days. 
  • DO NOT take hot, steamy, long showers.
  • DO NOT use sun beds or sunbathe.
  • DO NOT use a Jacuzzi, saunas or swimming pools. 
NOTE: Aftercare will vary from artist to artist. It will also vary depending on skin type. 

what to expect during healing...

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